Sunday, January 10, 2010

Response #1- Me

1. Favorite book for kids: any books that leave room for a child's imagination to wander

2. Favorite shows: As of 2 days ago I do not have a TV. So, I have resorted to watching the bachelor on the internet. When I had TV I loved to watch any law shows (my secret passion), mtv reality shows (trashy obsession), Oprah, 60 minutes and The Office. Oh how I miss my cable/dvr now.

3. Is it ok to justify all of my clothes as a "collection"?

4. I do have another blog ( It seems that all I write about now is my baby.

5.--1. book club (I LOVE to read) 2. tutoring 3. world peace

6. I have never taken or attended an art class outside of school. My artistic talent remains undiscovered.

7. Not a musical gene in my body, or that of any member in my family.

8. I loved and attended dance classes until I was about ten years old.

9. I took a drama class my eighth grade year. Our end of the semester project was to memorize and perform a children's book. Alone. In front of the whole class. I was too shy to do it and received my first and only "C".

10. I am a new mom of a four month old, big eyed girl named Zoey. I took one semester off, and am dreading being back in school. But, I know that I need to finish now or I never will. I love chemistry and am debating whether I should have gone to school for something in that field.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

Your blog "background" is darling! The picture of you and your husband is wonderful... and I'm hoping to see a photo of your daughter sometime soon! 4 points