Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 4 Response

Isn't it funny that when you are asked to look for quotes that stick out to you, you start to think everything said is a inspirational quote? But, I found ones that were really, really meaningful to me. I know you said to find them "across these two chapters", but my very favorites were all found in chapter 3. Chapter 4 was good, don't get me wrong. But these were MOST meaningful.

(Page 29) A first year teacher named Esme Codell is telling about how she takes time with every student and is quoted saying, "...It takes a long time to get in the door this way, but by the time we are in, I know every kid has had and given a kind greeting, has had an opportunity to learn, and has tried to leave his or her worries on the doorstep."
This quote just hit me. How many times I wished that I could leave worries behind and just focus on the tasks at hand. This teacher really captured the true meaning of creating a learner's environment. A kind greeting and a symbolic stress reliever could change anyones day for the better.

(Page 32) "Their messages come not simply from slogans on classroom walls, but from living out their beliefs." (When discussing attributes of "invested" teachers.
Often times we get caught up in the appearance of things and how things look on the outside. But, it is what is going on in the inside that truly matters. Restating this quote in my own words: You can decorate your classroom with inspirational quotes, but a teacher that teachers from the inside is to be applauded.

(Page 35) "How could we issue an invitation to the risky endeavor of learning if it is a mass-produced invitation?" This quote was especially meaningful to me because it is how I want to base my final project. I have chosen to do a parent night of some sort and in this night/flyers/etc. is the task of explaining to parents how my classroom will be differentiated. This metaphor helps me understand more what differentiation is all about. I should put it on my flyer!

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

Wow! YOUR words are as good as Carol's: "a teacher who teaches from the inside is to be applauded." Amen. Do you feel you'll be able to overcome your fears and worries about doing what is expected of you, to doing what you find out is NEEDED? And, that "mass produced" idea can go a long way in helping parents understand why their child's experience in your class SHOULD be different. Good for you! 4 points